How do you fall in love without seeing the details?


This dress is very suitable for hanging out because 2 colors of lace will make you look feminine, which will make you look elegant and beautiful.


Sister, at a particular moment, we have to look special too.

Well, sister, you can wear JihanSyakira’s embroidered dresses, which are very beautiful. Like a dress with embroidery on the chest. The embroidery has an elegant motif with two tones that make Sister look even more charming.


Sister, siraman is a procession of a series of traditional weddings. Siraman is a procession that is full of meaning in life for the bride and groom.

To continue to carry on the tradition but still keep all Muslim sisters, you can wear a JihanSyakira dress with a Happy feel, which is very suitable to wear during the shower.

Like this lovely full lace dress, the sister’s family can also wear an item of clothing similar to full lace and beautify it with lace cutting on the chest and bishop sleeves.


Sister, here are some of JihanSyakira’s best-selling exclusive lace and embroidery dresses.

The dress with exclusive lace is like Sister’s favorite dress, Satin material with cut circle skirt and bishop sleeves makes the look even more special.

There is also a dress with embroidery on the chest and a full tulle doty, which is very beautiful for Sister to wear. For other dresses, check the slides. Or visit Instagram


Holidays with friends are special moments that will add to our closeness with friends. Of course, we want to capture the moment through photos.

JihanSyakira would like to recommend a suitable dress for sisters to wear on a beautiful vacation with friends. Then a dress that uses a combination of doty and brocade will make you look feminine when on holiday with friends.

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